An Intake Sheet (attached) is an overview of the account we are to board. It is important to fill it out completely to make sure the account is submitted accurately. Below is how you fill out the Intakes:

What Program Cash Discount - 3% Cash Discount, Accounts under Tim, Joe, Neri, Nick and his team, and Adam (if opted our of PayZero)
PayZero Club - 3.5% and above Cash Discount
Hybrid - Cash Discount with Pin Debit
Traditional - Flat Rate or Interchange Plus
Business DBA Referred to as “Doing Business As”. This is the name of the business that is visible to the customers (storefront, window, and/or door signages).
Business Legal Name

Referred to as the “IRS Name”. This is the name they file their taxes under, which can be completely different from the DBA. To verify, an EIN Letter may be requested or you can search it up to the Secretary of State.

Business Address

Referred to as the “ Location Address”. This is where the physical store of the business is situated.

Legal Address (Optional) This is usually the same with the location address. Most of the time, Sole Proprietorship and multiple location businesses have different Legal Addresses.
Business Phone Referred to as the “Location Phone”. This is commonly the phone number associated with the business.
Business Email Commonly the owner’s email address. This is where they will receive email notifications from Turnkey, the Platform they are boarded on, Clover updates, etc. 
Federal Tax ID / EIN Referred to as the “Employer Identification Number”. Each legal entity has a unique nine-digit identification number that they are also filing the taxes under. This can be verified via their EIN letter. For Sole Proprietorship, their EIN and SSN are the same.
Type of Business Based on what the business is selling, this can be classified accordingly. A quick google search will be able to assist on what type of business the account is. This is to help us identify what Merchant Category Code (MCC) to use for boarding.
Date Business Started Referred to as the “Open Date”. This can be cross-checked via the Secretary of State website.
Owner First and Last Name Signer’s full name. The signer should have at least 25% ownership percentage.
Title Signer’s designation in the business. This is commonly the owner, but can sometimes be the manager.
Ownership % Signer’s ownership percentage.
Owner Cell Phone Personal phone number of the signer. This can be the same with the business phone, but advisable to be different.
Home Address Signer’s home address matching his/her Driver’s License or any legal documentation. Should be within the United States.
Social Security # Referred to as the “Social Security Number”. This is a nine-digit number issued to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and temporary residents. Signers with SSN starting with a 9 are referred to as an ITIN merchant, which requires additional information.
Date of Birth Signer’s date of birth matching his/her legal documentation.
Average Yearly Credit Card Volume Rough estimate of their annual credit card volume.
Average Credit Card Ticket
Rough estimate of their average credit card ticket.
Highest Ticket Amount

Rough estimate of their highest ticket.

Where are the Sales Transacted

This is to identify if the merchant is accepting cards in-person or virtually. 

Store Front - physically swipe the card, this is usually where the merchant has a physical store.

Internet - usually for integration, may require website.

Mail Order


Specific pricing the merchant is under. This is related to the “What Program” item above.
Rounded to the Nearest For Menu (Physical and Programming) reference.
Terminal or POS
Indicate what device the merchant is getting.
Billing Terms Indicate how the merchant will obtain the terminal/POS.
Does the terminal need to calculate taxes? Disregard, unless otherwise, indicated.
Does the terminal need to be mobile? Disregard, unless otherwise, indicated.
Additional Notes Special requests by the sales representative and/or the merchant. This is added to the notes in the MPA Ticket.
Sales Rep Name Turnkey Sales Representative who closed the account.
Manager Name
Refer to the Sales Rep Code sheet for the Sales Representative’s manager.