3.1 Navigating the Menu Management

  • On the lower left of the application [ click only once ] The Menu Management.

3.2 The Menu Management

  1. Basic Menu Management

  2. Basic Menu Management in a POS includes the essential features for creating and managing items and prices. 

  1. Advanced Menu Management

    1. Advanced Menu Management includes additional features in editing menu items and prices.

3.3 Basic Menu Management

  1. Menu Categories (Create / Edit)

    1. The feature allows the merchant or administrator to create and organize menu categories such as appetizers, entrees, desserts, etc.


  1. Modifier Sets (Create / Edit)

    1. The feature allows the merchant to create groups of modifiers that can be applied to a menu item, such as adding an extra topping to a pizza, etc.

  1. Multi-Item Edit (Speed Editor)

    1. Multi-Item edit allows you to select multiple items and then assign various attributes to them all at the same time. Saving a huge amount of time

  1. Menu Items (Create/Edit)

    1. Menu Items are typically organized by Menu Categories and can include detailed information such as Item namedescriptionprice, and other attributes.

  1. Modifier Mods (Create/Edit)

    1. This is a specific modification that can be made to a menu item using a modifier set. Note: Changes may require a POS restart ]